✨ Try hovering over any cast and click to mint it

I'm really proud that ethereum does not have any culture of trying to prevent people from speaking their minds, even when they have very negative feelings toward major things in the protocol or ecosystem. Some wave the ideal of "open discourse" as a flag, some take it seriously.

Grats @dankrad @karalabe.eth you got me to interrupt my work on EIPs and make a twitter response that turned into an unscheduled poast 😀 https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/05/17/decentralization.html

Build All Summer Everyone

Small improvement for Warpcast mobile - Multiple links will display in a more compact format - No algo penalty for links, just making them take up less visual space, esp. on a small device - Also more gracefully degrades handles when OpenGraph data doesn’t render

Feature Friday: Reach more people with message requests! If you message someone who doesn't follow you, it goes to their requests inbox (until they reply). h/t to @deodad and @blockheim

The first Farcaster native cooking show? Would be neat to see someone build a client that's focused on periodic creators — podcasts and videos.

Galazio Kitchen - A Farcaster Cooking Show Episode 2: Simple Side Dishes Excited to share three easy side dish recipes from our London kitchen :) I hope that you enjoy <3

Ethereum—or any other non-BTC cryptocurrency—wins because people build new interesting things on it that get a lot of usage. Arguing about price on Twitter doesn't matter.

Re-read both recently. https://paulgraham.com/schlep.html https://cdixon.org/2015/01/31/come-for-the-tool-stay-for-the-network

Dan Romero, the notion fanboy is a plot twist for sure